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Messages - Ringtail

Still don't know what you're asking me. Is it that you want me to grant you a life a material immersion? K, granted. Go and enjoy, and remember to burn some occasional bank notes in my name.
Chaos Magic & Beyond / Re: First attempt at sigil magick
February 24, 2016, 09:02:37 PM
If your framing it as a request, might try throwing in an offering or some kind of payment.
Wait... what are you asking? How to group them? How is pussy different from lust, and do you not care for other intoxicants, and what about good food and other bodily pleasures besides sex? But mostly, what are you asking?
General Occultism / Re: Spirits 'n' shit
February 23, 2016, 06:42:59 PM
Right, I didn't mean to say I dislike the informality of communication. What bothers me is how much credit to give to people's claims, and to my own imagination. I'm confused by the apparent shift in the godforms' behavior.

I intentionally left dkmu's egregores out of the OP because they've been approachable since their conception (and for the purposes of this conversation, Zalty doesn't count :P). Do you think all the spirits that people interact with are these intermediaries? How do you tell the difference between a servant and the godform, if they can't be trusted to tell you? Have you seen someone invoke a thing in front of you, and did you give more or less credit to what they said?
General Occultism / Spirits 'n' shit
February 22, 2016, 11:35:30 PM
The ease with which pagans and occultists claim to talk with deities troubles me. In the old days it was rare and special for someone to get messages from the gods; you didn't just roll out of bed and be like, Morning Poseidon, hey, do you think I should have eggs or cereal this morning? Much less get a response and believe it was the god of the sea talking (hypothetical example). Not that I have a problem with this, but what's really going on? Did they lower their standards because people aren't willing to go to the lengths they used to? Is it a new aeon thing?

In the psychological model, of course, they're all part of the summoner's mind, or humanity's mind, but in the spirit model? Maybe they're intermediary spirits? Or a lesser instance of the greater entity - this jives with an experience I had a couple years ago, where the thing I'd been talking to for a couple months was like a shadow thrown off by the higher intensity version that I evoked that night.

I kind of like this idea. It gives flexibility. It's like an extension of metamask theory (and I know, I'm probably one of about three people who still calls it that). Just as different cultures interpret archetypes through different masks, the archetypally-energized cultural egregores are then perceived differently by different people or even by the same person at different times. If they then met a higher, "realer" form of the same energy, they would either think they'd been mistaken up to that point or that the entity was revealing more of its true self to them than it had previously. Other people would go their whole lives believing that the lesser form they communicate with is all that's there. But who is to say what's a lesser manifestation of a god/dess and what is a spirit under their control? Identity lines are messy to nonexistent up there, and the only beings that could clarify the issue are notorious storytellers.

The important part, then, is whether the messages someone shares from their version of a being has any bearing on my life. Is this thing you've invoked a part of our mind, or just yours? Unless they say something the person couldn't have known, or give some other evidence, the only standard is that, probably, the deeper the ecstatic state and the more shocking and out of character it is for the medium, the more likely they are to have tapped something transpersonal.

Agree or disagree.
Networking / Re: Marauders in PA
February 22, 2016, 10:04:24 PM
There's a few in New Jersey, I'm pretty sure.
Networking / Re: Anyone still here?
February 14, 2016, 08:00:29 PM
Oh, it's on. It's on facebook, mostly.
Networking / Re: Anyone still here?
February 08, 2016, 01:18:05 PM
The Assault on Reality / Re: Glitterbombing Revived
January 28, 2016, 03:20:29 PM
Latest batch, charged under Saturday night's celestial influences and ready to be placed around the Olympia area. The base color is spraypaint for weather resistance, the rest done with a dremel tool. They all have the LS on them somewhere, and I'll be sticking rolls of paper in some with a link to the site or a bit of poetry.

The northwest furnishes a good supply of oyster shells. Unlike clams and scallops, though, the toenails of the sea don't take well to even carving.

This red one did something interesting. I saw teeth and started carving, and it ended up looking like a kind of toothy octopus on one side...

...and Zalty on the other.

I put both sigils on the back and called it a day.

They tend to be passive aggressive and expect everyone to cater to their feelings to the point of impinging on free speech. At their worst, they just want a different kind of conformity. The conservative reaction is "real talk", which is a badly disguised way of putting forth your assumptions/agenda as if it doesn't need to be justified. Both sides believe themselves. Hating the waves rolling off tumblr for what they are seems fashionable; I just see waves and am glad.
Networking / Re: Anyone still here?
January 08, 2016, 08:53:45 PM
Yeah. I've been slacking on checking the forums.
Member Introductions / Re: is it alive?
December 07, 2015, 04:13:39 PM
I think you hit submit a second too late :D
The Assault on Reality / Re: Glitterbombing Revived
September 14, 2015, 03:59:48 PM
Some glitterbombs from my travels over the summer. Most of the time I didn't take pictures due to circumstances or laziness or because they weren't elaborate enough. LS and other sigils on bridges, picnic tables, rocks thrown out a car window, fake blood, glow in the dark paint, generally drawing a line of red from Colorado to El Paso to New Orleans to New York and back. Here are a few, though.

From a Henna artist in Santa Fe. I gave her the linking sigil and said to draw whatever she was inspired to around it. I got some interesting comments whenever I wore LS in plain sight, the most common being "Have I met you before?"

Santa Fe, NM

Under a bridge in Austin, TX

Somewhere in Pennsylvania. It's on the brick in the middle, hard to see in this picture.

Poughkeepsie, NY. Has nothing to do with anything, but Holy Shit it's cute.
The Assault on Reality / Re: Glitterbombing Revived
June 07, 2015, 06:51:28 AM
Moonlight - If there's nowhere appropriate to tag, draw it on a smooth rock instead and either bury it or leave it for someone to  find.
The Art Lab / ExLP
May 19, 2015, 10:28:57 PM
Safety is a Lie; there is only Khaos.
From Khaos emerges Possibility,
From Possibility develops Life,
Through Life is found Freedom.
The Wilderness be Unleashed!