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Messages - Ringtail

@nightfighter_zero: If we're building a synchronicity snowman, I can help. I currently live in Olympia, WA, which is one of the cities that will be involved in the (what are we calling it? Floodgate something or other?) thing for next Chelseanacht. So, a giant LS made of mirror shards across downtown by the end of this spring. I have ties to Artemis, which I discovered last year at a large regional wiccan festival that attempts to recreate the Eleusinian mysteries. The location is considered magically to be Eleusis for the duration of the festival, and it's a good vortex of many people coming together intending to experience magic. I set up an Ellisian generator around the property which should still be there, or at least the physical keystones remain and I imagine they'd reactivate easily. While walking the perimeter to set it up, I sort of accidentally knocked over some buried apples meant to appease Eris and keep her out, leading to hijinx. There is also a secret shrine to Eris on the property, constructed some years back by another marauder who felt it was unwise to exclude her.

I've made the connection between arrows and the LS/chaostar too, albeit on a personal level. Shooting an arrow can be a metaphor for firing a precisely aimed intention. Artemis is not the same as Ellis by any stretch, but where powers associate there's always symbolic bleed over.
The Assault on Reality / Re: Assault on Oaths
March 12, 2017, 06:10:38 PM
Dear challenger-friend from the nation of 4chan, your acquittals are misplaced. No one commands a musician to play, nor a spider to spin.
This is awesome and I'm going to be using it.

I know LS variants have been used to connect specifically to each other, as have sigils that don't include the LS but use the same logic (law of similarity). And some people claim to be able to look through the web and locate a specific instance based only on its surroundings. LS is more user friendly than material communication networks, since so much can be auto-directed by intent.

I would point out that putting an address on a sigil doesn't need to be as aesthetically boring as a number on top. Any additions or modifications to the sigil should work, and, to me, seem like they would work better, since the imaginative processes of mind and magick could get a better grip (think what would be more memorable and evocative, a string of digits or something graphic).

The closest thing that this reminds me of are the variations in Kiki's glamourbombing manual for input vs output vs transforming energy in the area. But AFAIK there's no agreed-upon way of symbolizing the moment of info between nodes like this, and I'm sure that would be more powerful than the personal codes that some people have been using.

Quote from: Saint Riggor Mortison on February 22, 2017, 09:55:27 AMAside from the generating of data, it is necessary that the network never creates its own subroutines/programs, lest we create a runaway AI.

The Assault on Reality / Feb 10th writeup - Portland
February 13, 2017, 11:47:43 AM
Although Branch canceled, enough of us in the area were still interested in having the bowling event. Except we didn't bowl, but, whatever.

We think Steven chose this date because there was a penumbral lunar eclipse. It wasn't visible at our site, though, because it happened around 4:30 in the afternoon. We worked it into our rite anyway, taking place after midnight, by remembering and stating where we had been at that time.

Makeshift altar created with a piece of plywood on top of a pile of logs.
Five rubber star-patterned erasers placed in a circle or pentagram. Four blue stars, with the fifth, red one lined up with Etamin, the eye of Draco, as our designated North.

Inside the circle of stars was a three-dimensional origami ellisian generator in a clear box, next to a "dragon egg" made with red wax and an eggshell. We formed a double circle using a necklace and a bracelet, both carrying dragon associations, and inside that we placed a toy astronaut holding up a mirror shard. This cosmic vagina-mouth was decorated with small stones created when a downed power line electrified a patch of concrete.

Our intention was to use time's nonlinear nature to catch an echo of this summer's solar eclipse working. We would create an anchor for it in our current place and time, sending power both ways, amplifying and extending its reach. Our immediate goal was to soften reality in our vicinity: a marshy field that was already haunted by fae. The plan was to do so by reflecting the light of the moon with a mirror shard held by the astronaut onto the origami generator.

We each chose a quarter and called the elements using stones placed around the table. Followed with the Transvocation of Khaos, and then an evocation to Bahumet (the first dragon, carrying golden/solar associations). Here we'd been planning to do the reflection part, but clouds had covered the moon. We waited and shared wine with the fae. When it seemed like the moon wasn't going to emerge, we improvised by taking the origami generator out of its box and holding it between the clouded moon and the astronaut.

This leaves the question of what exactly we did, symbolically. The clouds came in only during the ritual and cleared up afterward. In a way, the moon was eclipsed by them, and then we eclipsed it again from the astronaut/mirror shard using the generator. Before the ritual started, I'd reflected moonlight with the shard into my hand in order to test it and some of us think this was enough to charge it. We buried the shard on location as an anchor.


Later in the evening while we were preparing for bed, I stepped out to use the bushes and some... thing came over me as soon as I left the house. It stayed with me all night, throwing my fears in my face, which I handled pretty damn well if I do say so. My heart rate increased to over four beats per second and stayed there for hours. I know that cannabis can raise heart rate, but I've never experienced it. I may have also been hypothermic.

While driving around the next day, I kept feeling like I was about to get a flat tire or something. It might have been an irregularity in the handling that subconsciously tipped me off. My engine died halfway through the drive home, leaving me stranded overnight until the trains started running.

Possible explanations for these outcomes:
1. It was the well-known dark aspects of 156/663 testing me, in their way
2. It was a direct result of something called up during the rite
3. It was a brush of the black cloud that's been affecting many people in the current lately, probably an extension of the cloud hanging over the whole world
4. It had nothing to do with any of this, and was just some malevolent spirit taking advantage of my vulnerable state.
5. None of the above, I was high/unlucky.
The first three are not mutually exclusive. I'll admit, at the time I assumed it was them.

The day after the rite I found a black spider, passed a street with a name that holds synchronous significance to me, and encountered this graffiti of Aelie next to a black moon.

(Aelie wasn't used in this rite, but probably will be during the summer eclipse)

Sei reports lots of dkmu-related synchronicity on his trip home. I'll let him and others speak to their own experiences, if they want.
Let me see if I'm picturing this right. We're sitting around on skype or something like it, visualizing the storm, probably have some incantations/actions to begin, and then something like:

P1: "Lightning"
P2: "Hippo"
P3: "Tiered"
P4: "Magnesium"
P5: "Watermelon"
P(n): "WordofPower"
All: "In nomine admirari..."

Or is it more like
P1: "In"
P2: "In nomine"
P3: "In nomine admirari"

Or maybe
P1: "Lightning"
P2: "Lightning Hippo"
P3: "Lightning Hippo Tiered"
P4: "Lightning Hippo Tiered Magnesium"

Or like a call and response thing:
P1: "Lightning"
All: "Lightning"
P2: "Hippo"
All: "Hippo"
Or even
P1: "Lightning"
All: "Lightning"
P2: "Hippo"
All: "Lightning Hippo"
P3: "Tiered"
All: "Lightning Hippo Tiered"
P4: "Magnesium"
And then at the end something like
All: "Quincunx Cyclotron Ring Jabber Fluoresce Bacchanal Viridian!"
And someone ends with the "In nomine".

The Assault on Reality / Re: August 2017 solar eclipse
February 05, 2017, 02:44:20 PM
Group working ideas:
1. Open gates, haunt areas, generally tend the veil along the path of the eclipse, uniting the worlds, etc.
2. Cause revelation/visionary experiences among viewers. There should be a uniting image that can be recognized when discussing with others. The LS perhaps, but a common entity/figure that can be made into legends/creepypastas etc. would've even better.
3. Awaken/empower forces that may be dormant/undernourished. In particular, there are quite a few national forests in the path and nature is taking a big hit right now.
I would think these should be tied to a group working/sigil but participants can/should also focus on a particular aspect or personal/localized goal.

And a sigil that's been proposed:


Are there any places along the path that stick out to you, where we might want to have someone or something stationed?

What combined theme or image are we using? A sigil can link the workings as we've done the last several times. That seems to work well. But, we've done it the last several times, and for that reason alone I kind of want to change or expand the method. At least, I think the sigil should embody our shared goal or image, as opposed to just linking disparate workings. What are the actual actions that you're interested in taking? A spoken calling? A physical act? Meditate and do something astrally?

We need both commonality and variability, but - how do I word this - could we make it less like a bunch of people doing their own thing with a common thread, and more like doing the same thing but splintered, so that it's not actually the same? So that the structure of the working itself is an attack on sameness? Does that make any sense?

The image has been in my eyes of a perfectly flat, uniform plane, perhaps forming a mirror, but with a tiny inconsistency. A point where the plates don't exactly line up and can shift between distinct, but dissimilar placements, like a dislocated joint. The crack spreads in exactly the manner of a dinged windshield.

A multitude of chaos serpents sounds like a great idea for a shared image, and one that could be verified if other people start seeing it. Having many of them could, possibly, prevent any one of the forces from becoming a tyrant. Isn't that the point of Variety? The picture causes my mind, personally, to jump to pipelines - How do you counter a black snake? Set a bunch of *other* snakes loose across the land! Blue ones! Green ones! Pink ones! Hah!

My own work will likely involve an attempt to reawaken and re-empower the Wilderness, and simultaneously the Otherness. As a mythical beast, a dragon is an excellent symbol of that combination. And the idea of calling back the dragons is, well. Let's just say it rings personal.
I'm disappointed he never actually showed the linking sigil. It needs to be visible on the main forum page. But I don't know who's in control of that.
The Assault on Reality / August 2017 solar eclipse
December 13, 2016, 10:11:59 AM
Friends. Rivals. Peniscows.

There is an eclipse coming and I want to do something with it.

I assume most of you have heard about this. The date is August 21st and it will be visible across America from Oregon to South Carolina, following the path in the link above. It's the first total solar eclipse in this region since 1979 and the last until 2024. An instant before totality, the moon's gargantuan shadow can be seen rushing across the landscape at over a thousand miles an hour. The moment is so bizarre that people are said to scream when it hits, even if they were expecting it. Millions of people will be watching. You see the opportunity.

The nature of this event makes some decisions about the type of working for us. Eclipse is a new moon on crack. The moon forms a cone shaped shadow, the tip of which will cut like the point of a sword across the US. I know people have been shying away from large-scale destructive workings now that a lot of them are coming true, but this year is precisely what makes the timing so powerful. If there was ever a time to try to destroy a constrictive reality, this is it.

I wanted to post this early so that there would be time for everyone to make plans, especially since the date is inflexible. August 21st. One idea would be to have multiple stations along the route of the eclipse where people do a similar rite with the same goal each time it passes overheard, thus building power through momentum. We would then link the rites in some way, maybe with a sigil or just by having a similar enough structure, e.g. by saying a particular invocation or repeating a certain act.

These are just my ideas, though, and I don't mean for this to be my working. Post away. Discuss. Scheme. I presented this idea to Joshua Hardee/Dr. Hellfire/Ashara Ungoyud and he suggests Tiamat, to go with the imagery of a dragon eating the sun. That can be a starting point, if you're all into it.

Given current group dynamics, I believe this would be best if it's not "political" - let's go back to what this group is about and give reality a kick that it will remember.

What sayeth you?
General Occultism / Re: What is your Great Work?
December 03, 2016, 12:03:44 PM
I don't have an ultimate goal, or else I don't know what it is. I'm still running on the framework that oblivion is normal and all else is a lark. It's hard enough to keep that attitude during adversity. But I do try to push in some directions and not others.

For my Great Work in particular, if I have one, I'm very wary of saying anything about it because that seems like that would just shut down openness to possibility, and because I know what a misidentification can lead to. If I had to guess right now, though, something about increasing diversity, imaginative saturation, and the ability to move from one state to another. There's a popular idea that existence is only a limitation of totality, in the way that color is only a scattering of white light. If you follow this analogy too closely, you'd predict that, the greater the complexity, the less brilliant the experience. But things like, say, acid, provide a strong example of how the world can be both brighter, so to speak, and more complex, although the Colors are never quite as eye-splitting as the BlackWhite which includes them. Also, although there is limitation, there's a great deal of flexibility between one set of limitations and the next, providing for endless mutation.

So I want to make life more like acid.
Networking / Re: Carpool to Standing Rock week of 11/20
November 14, 2016, 02:13:47 PM
We're travelling from near Seattle and Portland in the Northwest.
Networking / Re: Carpool to Standing Rock week of 11/20
November 12, 2016, 09:27:29 PM
Lol, news fasting I assume? The camps are on the border of North and South Dakota. Are you in the US?
Networking / Carpool to Standing Rock week of 11/20
November 10, 2016, 12:16:12 AM
Some other students and I are driving to Standing Rock, where Jay Oni and possibly some other people from the facebook plan to do a ritual. I'll probably post a sigil later for anyone who wants to input remotely. Exact dates aren't finalized, but my carpool will be driving up on the weekend of the 20th and coming back around the 26th. If you live along the route between Seattle/Portland area and the camps, and want us to pick you up, or have supplies to donate, post here or message me.

Eve, hm?

I've gotten a lot of references to Eve in relation to Ellis, specifically to Aelie, since the big working in July. I haven't been bringing it up unless it comes up, because i don't trust my "visionary" experiences in general... especially since, tbh, most of them were drug induced. I wouldn't mention it at all except that it's been a major and persistent theme. Evolution, life, growth, divine female, disregard for tradition, rebellion, creation, novelty. Eevee, the pokemon, is (originally) the only one able to choose the path of its development.
General Occultism / Re: Magical Target Practice
August 20, 2016, 02:15:29 PM
They say that because we really do something, and then when there's a lull they notice the difference.