General (ARCHIVED) => Chaos Magic & Beyond => Topic started by: Ahavah Ain Soph on November 13, 2015, 04:24:55 PM

Title: Model 6 Magic, and the theory of everything
Post by: Ahavah Ain Soph on November 13, 2015, 04:24:55 PM
So the word of the night is Entropy, the Second Law of Thermodynamics. There are a few definitions, which applies to specific systems, but the one which includes them all is "All closed ordered systems tend toward disorder." Now, there's a supposition there. If all closed ordered systems tend toward disorder, then all ordered systems are founded on, built atop, belied by, etc... Disorder.

Now disorder has a few names, randomness is one, Chaos is another, the really fun one here is Pure Information.Let me give an illustration, because that one's less intuitive. This illustration actually comes from a guy named veritasum on youtube, but it's a good one. So let's discuss video compression. Really all compression works this way, but videos are everywhere and compression common. So in most videos, frame to frame most of the pixels don't actually change. The compression software notes this, finds a pattern, then notes all the pixels that don't fit into that pattern (The random bits) and transmits those. That random part, that's the information of the file. A file which is unable to be compressed, that would be the video with the most information, would be random static, no coherent pattern anywhere frame to frame. Cool awesome.

So Underneath all ordered systems, all patterns if you will, is information. Sounds easy enough. Now something fun is that that information, that chaos, would either be or tend toward infinity. The reason why is that let's say you have one piece of information, you would then need a second to describe how it behaved, and another to describe the relationship between the two others, etc etc, ad infinitum. So we have gotten to at the base of all patterns, finite patterns, closed ordered systems, there is a sea of infinite information which those patterns emerge out of.

Continuing: If that is the case, and we can accept that, then it is a mathematic certainty that a pattern would emerge somewhere in that infinite random. We see pi do this, an infinite numeric string. You can find your phone number in pi. In fact, you would conceivably find all phone numbers on earth ever in order. IF we extended that random static infinitely, somewhere in that static sometime, the mona lisa would show up in all her glory. Anyway, so in an infinite sea of information (Or even one that tends toward infinity), in fact, all conceivable arrangements of patterns would emerge at some point somewhere. It is therefore a mathematic certainty that a pattern would show up which built complexity faster than it could be dissolved back into disorder. Increased in order at rate faster than it became disorder.

That's the universe, welcome, we're here, awesome.

We see this from as far back to singularity as we can go all the way until now. First a bunch of stuff shows up, and it's super chaotic, but there's some semblance of order, there's a way that stuff behaved. Then we see that stuff condensing into stuff like stars, a further increase of complexity, then we see stuff like planets orbits clusters, galaxies, further and further increasing the complexity of the pattern. Then we see (In our little sphere) life emerge, a very complex pattern increasing in complexity. Then consciousness, an extremely complex pattern which creates patterns. etc.

We could actually explain everything in the universe as some sort of interaction between the universe building complexity and entropy eating it. But you're here for model 6 magic, so let's do that. Beginning with synchronicity, what is that in reference to this? Important requisite. Just by the nature of the pattern of the universe it likes to build complexity, because it wants to survive, it's trying to continue existence. You think a thought, or say something, and the object of that thought shows up in front of you in weird ways. This is two parts of the pattern, seemingly unrelated, different sections, folding together, combining so that it can condense and go off to create more complex patterns now compressed a bit.

Magic, all of magic, does this extremely well, but it does it consciously. So, I am a mage. I have a stick, I name it fire. This stick is fire. Two unrelated pieces of the pattern are now linked within my pattern, I then take that and I link it with a third thing, the object of my will. Well this is the way, one of the ways, the universe does this itself, so it coils up and works. Why is belief such a great tool? You're incorporating that belief into your pattern, and the moment you do it becomes workable. You can then link it to other parts of the pattern. Why do we observe magical acts working best when forgotten? How do we explain the exceptions? When you forget after focusing on something, it drops into your pattern, rather than the part of you which is still building your pattern (Unconscious vs conscious). It can't link until you've made it link inside of you already. Same with the exceptions, they just mean that through one way or another, you dropped it into your pattern outside of simply forgetting about it.

Now I think we can explain God here, and gods in general. So if we do define consciousness as a very complex pattern which creates patterns, well the universe does that. In fact, you could call it the ultimate consciousness. God. All gods are other extensions of that. God is simply trying to survive.

We can also say that any action you have ever taken, will ever take, are taking right now, can conceivably take, all of those can be defined as one or more of four things:
1.)You can increase the complexity of the pattern. The hard sciences do that rather well, this wall of text does that, magic does this extremely efficiently. etc.
2.)Decrease the rate at which entropy eats the pattern. The social sciences do this quite well. Psychology makes me less likely to bash someone over the side of the head. Same with conversation and communication in general. Giving a shit about the planet, that helps. etc.
3.)Increase the entropy inherent within the system. Pollution does this. Pointless bickering does this. Doing really dumb shit usually does this. etc.
4.)You can reduce the complexity of the pattern. A good example of this is a nuclear bomb. That's a massive simplification device, it drops, goes boom, and a big part of the pattern is immediately eaten and dropped back into potential, into information. Murder also does this (Execution is a bit of a grey area).

By doing one of those first two, the constructive options, you are increasing the lifespan of the universe, which is why we're here. The purpose of existence. The meaning of life. As long as you do those, you will have lived a meaningful and purposeful life.

Anyway. If you have questions, just ask. Also, if ever you think of crediting me with anything (Not that you have to) but if you want to give credit, then do not mention my name without also mentioning Soror Kokabel in the same breath. She was instrumental, absolutely instrumental to this. She might have even come up with it first. Either way, lend her any of the credit you would lend me in this.
Title: Re: Model 6 Magic, and the theory of everything
Post by: Ahavah Ain Soph on November 13, 2015, 04:45:59 PM
I'm also looking for refutations, so refute if possible.
Title: Re: Model 6 Magic, and the theory of everything
Post by: Frater Theodbald on November 16, 2015, 10:56:47 PM
I almost feel like I've read this before!  ;)
Title: Re: Model 6 Magic, and the theory of everything
Post by: Ahavah Ain Soph on November 17, 2015, 03:05:27 AM
I wonder why...
Title: Re: Model 6 Magic, and the theory of everything
Post by: Versling on June 23, 2016, 08:01:56 PM
Can't be refuted. Only amended.

Within any closed system you can still have energy gradients which means it isn't at equilibrium.

A kitchen could be considered a closed system but still contain a hot cup of coffee that will dissipate that energy to the rest of the room. The difference between the coffee temperature and room temperature is the gradient. The bigger the gradient, the further from equilibrium the system becomes.

The universe loves a gradient and seeks to dissipate any and all of them. That is the, "tend toward disorder," part of the equation. This isn't just an, "urge," mind you. Gradients are to the universe as crack is to a crack head. It wants the system to be at equilibrium like a bride to be wants Adderall.

The magic comes in when the system is pushed (or pulled*) further and further from equilibrium. The magic stems from the fact that the universe is able to get better at and accelerate the dissipation as the size of the gradient increases. It gets better by making sure that less and less energy is lost to heat while more is used to do work. Even if that work seems useless it still exists to better dissipate the energy gradient.

This explains the existence of technology and bureaucracy.

When a gradient gets large the universe creates order from disorder in ways that many would call, "intelligent." Thermodynamics of far-from-equilibrium systems is how it gets this done.

Concrete examples.

Fossil fuels and civilization. Civilization grew as the amount of available fossil fuels grew. That energy gradient resulted in the global soul and fuel sucking monster you see when you open your front door. The, "magic hand of the market," is really just the second law of thermodynamics having fun with a shit-ton of extra energy.

Storms are self-organized systems meant to dissipate the energy gradients between high/low pressure/temperature cells in the atmosphere and between the atmosphere and the ocean. When the gradients get big enough you get tornadoes and hurricanes. All a bunch of air, energy and water doing the exactly same thing at the exact same time in order to dissipate the energy that our atmosphere likes to hold on to.

See: Benard Cells

Magic works on these principals too (well at least mine does).

I build woo gradients and give the universe a pattern to follow for the gradient's dissipation.

If the gradient gets big enough the woo can start to show intelligence of its own after the nature of the woo in question (cough LS).

This has a lot of good details...