Quote from: arjil on January 27, 2015, 08:29:32 PM
So, I need input.
What do You need from your DKMU?
What do or did we do right?
What needs to change?
Where do You guys want to see this thing go?
this is important. Please reply.
Not having been around from the start, all I can say regarding what you did or didn't do right is...limited. A lot of nuance and branching that to me, now is sort of like reading history books, from old posts here, archived files and so on. But I was very briefly made aware of the group years ago. And through a random purposeful set of events, got a reminder of it from none other than you. I had no clue who you were in relation to the DKMU. I think there's something to be said that a little phrase in an offhanded reply sparked a massive reaction for me.
Despite no real history with you guys yet I can answer the 'what you've done right' part anyway. You've taken a seemingly disparate group of people, who didn't even really fit in with people who didn't fit in and created a home for them. cue cheesy statement...created something magickal. And despite it sounding like there's been some ups and downs, here it still stands. And a new guy talking to you about it.
It seems like there's something happening, a lot of passion and drive from those of you who started it, but there seems to be a feeling of hitting a crossroads. But the fact it just doesn't wither up and die also says a lot about what you've fed into it and what it's fed back into everyone who has come into contact with it.
Now, what do *I* want from it? To Mulder out, I want to believe. I want to believe large scale magick can be done and attain results, to take part in it and witness it firsthand and not just as something to dig around and read about.
The state of 'reality' grows shittier and more oppressive and narrowminded everyday. The internet, now that it is fully accessible to everyone has created a shitty brand of evil magick. It's allowing ignorant hateful little people to see just how many more ignorant hateful little people there are. And they're connecting in a giant powerful ever growing web every single hour. And it is spreading from hateful little posts on news articles and shit like that, out into the real world at an exponential rate.
To me, DKMU, at its best, is a mirror to hold up to that. Its intent to be a web to alter and change and advance 'reality.' I don't mean a mirror to hold up to show these people just how small and tragic and wrong they are, but a mirror to hold up and when they look into it, they see fantastic crazy bizarre fractal visions of what can and should and will be. Psyche shock, neural napalm. Wake the fuck up.
Globally the game of Let's You and Him Fight is being played out on a massive scale. People being deluded by politicians and religious figures that there are 2 sides to take and nothing else, when there are no sides. There's 7 billion people all being tricked into being at odds with each other down to the most base levels. Trying to debate with most people is pointless. People take a side, and then immediately behave exactly like the side they say they are against. Even when shown basic simple irrefutable facts, they will argue it, find a reason those facts are lies or biased.
But..they are all living in a state of non-reality at this point. Their minds are programming themselves to live in fiction of their own making, so that also means they are more susceptible to other unreal things getting slipped into their fiction suits.
What needs to change? Some spark, some definitive 'ok, our next thing we're doing is this, we create X sigil, do X invoking etc etc on this date, in these places for X reason.' Action breeds further action. Show people (like me) that large scale, even mid to small scale, group actions can impact things.
My ideas, things that have been roaming in my head, going to sources online, the big news pages on fb, at their main pages, and dropping sigils in, basic ones from phrases as simple as OPEN YOUR MIND, etc and blast them on a regular patterned basis.
Tagging things in the physical world is great, and public weirdness is always an awesome thing, but if there's a battleground, it is currently virtual.
Begin writing blogs that at face value seem right wing bigot bullshit while slipping power phrases into them. Writing blogs that seem full on left wing liberal and doing the same. Efforts to remove the gap between people and cut some strings.
I've also been thinking about things visually. Sigils and icons more polished, contrasting colors, quick looped gifs, things that people will scroll by in their endless arguments but still will stick in their heads simply due to the assault of color and shape being made to purposefully disorient for a brief moment. I've been working with really high contrast simple sigils in my own life, and to very quick tangible effect. Quick to charge, to release. I guess to me they feel more 'modern.'
Things like that, use the short term memory syndrome created by our current information overload against itself.
Rent a few goddamn billboards and put them on some highways. Once a month buy adspace on a specifically chosen set of websites to put subliminal sigilistic fuckery. Have it link to something strange, a single page with a word on it. Things like that. Put simple slogans on the ads or none at all.
Those are all just crumbs of much larger cakes(lies) that could be expanded upon.
tl;dr I want to see it go from something I've only gotten to read about to being part of something that grows big and powerful enough that the first ten years seems like the bare bones beginnings.