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Messages - Ammoniakon

Entheogens 101 / Re: Datura Inoxia
November 15, 2015, 04:12:23 PM
Awesome trip report, wish there were more responsible ones like this. Did you ever get around to to crafting flying ointment? I cooked one up a few full moons ago that is rather potent. To outline the recipe I used:

Flying Ointment

1. Out of my small pharmacy of homegrown herbs were taken root of Datura wrightii, leaves of Artemesia princeps, and cured buds of Cannabis indica. Two caps of Amanita muscaria, a big one and a little one, were collected from the mountains and sun-dried to be included among the ingredients.

2. Supercentenarian goose grease was obtained from an antique store. With this was mixed a portion of beeswax and oils of coconut and olive. The oil blend was heated to liquid in a double boiler.

3. The herbs mentioned in step 1 were combined in the oil blend from step 2. The herbs were gently simmered in the oil for about six hours, then strained into a jar for storage.

4. Powdered thunder egg agate from a nearby hill was sprinkled into the ointment in the jar while it was still in a warm liquid state. The jar was left outside under the supermoon until the first rays of dawn began to emerge.


1. Before bed, a test dose the size of a shelled hazlenut was rubbed on the aereolae of both nipples. Drowsiness and enhanced hypnogogic perception. Not focused enough to "transform" this night, dreams seemed unaffected. Awoke feeling recharged, no lingering effects.

2. A dose of four gobs the size of hazelnuts are rubbed on the soles of the feet, the aereolae, and the junctions of the elbows. Mild potentiation of astral projective capabilities. Awoke feeling drunk, slightly disoriented. The after-effects suggest the potency of this ointment is quite high, in the context of the dosage administered.

3. An infestation of mice prompted me to try using flying ointment as a rodentcide. A hazelnut sized gob is sandwiched in peanut butter and left on a plate on the floor. Not five minutes later, the mouse is gorging on the toxic offering. A few days later, one shows up dead on the middle of the kitchen floor. Seems the poisoning was successful.

Been getting into shake-induced trance recently. Combining flying ointment with some shuddering in a snowbank in the backyard is on the agenda for the Yuletide season. Perhaps I can befriend some ice giants.