The very most effective occult banishing is skepticism. In the world of magic and spells, skepticism has a power akin to nuclear fire. This force must be harnessed by any practitioner if they are to compete in the thaumaturgic environment.
Learn cognitive bias. Learn logical fallacy. Learn rhetoric. Learn the scientific method. Learn Venn diagrams and truth tables. Learn that the answer to many questions is not "yes" or "no" but some measure of probability.
Learn these things and soon you will see the thick layer of hypnosis that rules the minds of so many. We all live in an ocean of symbolic interpretation, not seeing the true ground of reality, but only a convoluted hallucination. What comes to our mind through our senses is distorted by assumption, suggestion and pareidolia. Imagine that, at the bottom of everything we know, there is nothing but chaos and static. Imagine that to understand the amount of sorcery that makes up our momentary experience. Our lives are witchcraft.
But is this witchcraft our own? How much of what we think we know comes from outside of us? How much of our life is influenced by media, parenting and social pressure? Who are the sorcerers that summon the demons in our life?
It does not matter. Drop the bomb of skepticism. Burn up the fake atmosphere with an incantation of "says who?" Destroy unsolicited magic with a cry of "prove it!" Say "I don't believe you" and kill the witch. Watch the enemy magic wither away.
The pentagram is a banishing symbol. It represents the number five, the four elements of reality plus one more factor. That factor has been labeled many ways, but in our hearts we know that it is nothing short of consciousness. The spark of life, which animates the awakened creatures, receives the unmolded substance of the four elements and turns it into something new. As humans, through our consciousness, we create time and culture; we see nature and give it names. By the power of our consciousness, our world is made.
Some of us own our own consciousness. Others are enslaved. Still more stand between freedom and slavery, struggling against the witchcraft of the fallen world.
If you are one who struggles, find skepticism. Make foul foul once again, and make fair fair. Skepticism is Dorothy's bucket of water. It is the drinking gourd, the unmoving North Star, nuclear fire, the icy wind of Stribog and it is the solid ground at the base of all illusion. Skepticism is all these things, yet nothing more than the singular truth that very little can ever really be proven. Take skepticism up as both shield and sword so that you may cut out a space in which to cast your own illusions.
Frater Mendax
Somewhere at sea
Learn cognitive bias. Learn logical fallacy. Learn rhetoric. Learn the scientific method. Learn Venn diagrams and truth tables. Learn that the answer to many questions is not "yes" or "no" but some measure of probability.
Learn these things and soon you will see the thick layer of hypnosis that rules the minds of so many. We all live in an ocean of symbolic interpretation, not seeing the true ground of reality, but only a convoluted hallucination. What comes to our mind through our senses is distorted by assumption, suggestion and pareidolia. Imagine that, at the bottom of everything we know, there is nothing but chaos and static. Imagine that to understand the amount of sorcery that makes up our momentary experience. Our lives are witchcraft.
But is this witchcraft our own? How much of what we think we know comes from outside of us? How much of our life is influenced by media, parenting and social pressure? Who are the sorcerers that summon the demons in our life?
It does not matter. Drop the bomb of skepticism. Burn up the fake atmosphere with an incantation of "says who?" Destroy unsolicited magic with a cry of "prove it!" Say "I don't believe you" and kill the witch. Watch the enemy magic wither away.
The pentagram is a banishing symbol. It represents the number five, the four elements of reality plus one more factor. That factor has been labeled many ways, but in our hearts we know that it is nothing short of consciousness. The spark of life, which animates the awakened creatures, receives the unmolded substance of the four elements and turns it into something new. As humans, through our consciousness, we create time and culture; we see nature and give it names. By the power of our consciousness, our world is made.
Some of us own our own consciousness. Others are enslaved. Still more stand between freedom and slavery, struggling against the witchcraft of the fallen world.
If you are one who struggles, find skepticism. Make foul foul once again, and make fair fair. Skepticism is Dorothy's bucket of water. It is the drinking gourd, the unmoving North Star, nuclear fire, the icy wind of Stribog and it is the solid ground at the base of all illusion. Skepticism is all these things, yet nothing more than the singular truth that very little can ever really be proven. Take skepticism up as both shield and sword so that you may cut out a space in which to cast your own illusions.
Frater Mendax
Somewhere at sea