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Topics - Curiouser and Curiouser



I've created my own sigil alphabet.  The idea occurred to me a while back, because I've liked making my own alphabets and runes since I was a little one.

What I did to accomplish this is take each sound that is used regularly in speech in the language I use most often (English) and wrote down a series of words that begin with that sound, and specifically chose words that pleased me, or whose connotations I appreciate.  Then I would draw little stylized symbols based off of that word, and continue to stylize them until they became their own thing.  They involve little lines and dots, mostly; the lines being the main body of the thing and the dots being sticky-out points or whatnot.

I'll write them down in paint and share them if people like, and show you a couple of sigils that I've made with them.  I have a few questions that I wanted to pose to the other folks here, though:

1) They seem to lack oomph so far.  I've had better results with English letters.  I'm trying to wrap my head around why this is.  Is it because they aren't more widely known/shared?  Is it because I'm still learning to associate them with their sounds/concepts?  I want them to be filled with go-juice, but they feel like underbrewed white tea when I want them to be gunpowder green with yerba mate.

2) What do you think of trying to write the LS in an alternative alphabet?  Would it link my alphabet to the English alphabet for the purposes of khaos magick?  Would it, well, bug people if I tried to do this?  Would it help?  Would it hinder?

3) Is this a common practice?  Has anyone else reading this tried to create their own sigil alphabet?  If so, how did it work?
Member Introductions / Hi there!
July 25, 2013, 02:40:55 PM
Hi!  I found a link to an article about this place in a forum for the Secret Sun blog.  Ellis caught my eye and I got curiouser and curiouser.

I'm a person who likes making things happen when I can.  I have studied and practiced a lot of different types of magick and would like to keep pressing on the curvature of this world until things change for the better.  I like breaking the boxes that people get shoved into because I don't like being shoved into them myself and I think it's mean and unnecessary.

I like runes and chaos sigils and have come up with my own personal chaos sigil alphabet, which I'll discuss elsewhere.  I'm fond of doing funky things with candles, too!

Much love!  I'm glad that I found this place.  I'm here looking for wonders, and I have a few of my own to share.