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Messages - Ahavah Ain Soph

The Assault on Reality / Re: Ellis Skype Group?
April 26, 2015, 11:46:29 PM
"Cause of possible surveillance."
See, here's the thing: If they had any interest in you and your bullshit at all you'd already have disappeared. They're (the royal "they") not interested in you, they're not interested in dkmu, or perhaps they want to let it run its course, or any number of things. At the end of the day, they obviously don't want to take you away, and anything you do is observed at any given point. You have a cell phone? Your conversations and locations are all known when it's around you. Facial recognition is everywhere. The computers which process personality know you better than you know you. Hell, GOOGLE knows you better than you know you for the most part. If they had any interest in what you're doing at all they would already have done something about, or they already have all the information they could ever need or want.

So in short, don't let your paranoia stop you from chatting with some people on Skype about some random occult bullshit, no matter how real or rebellious it is. You're not as important as you think, and if you were there would be absolutely nothing you could do about it.
I think I wasn't clear in my intentions for this. I am not a fan of religiousness, I do not wish to see the godforms become anything to be worshiped, in fact, part of the intention of this ritual is to essentially give the whole set of entities a purpose which applies to the whole group in order to AVOID a religion popping up around a group of growing entities who, observably, are a bit lacking on the side of what they're there for. Egregores are created for a purpose, and groups of egregores likewise. As I was saying previous, the path of initiation manifests very differently for each person. You can readily identify, however, a sometimes frighteningly similar set of stages which such individuals move through, often with reference to certain realizations and understandings which occur before and after other understandings. The specifics will be different, the viewpoint will be different, the effect upon the individual will be different, the path to reach such understandings WILDLY different, but the conclusion essentially similar. They follow certain themes.

Ellis is both connective and rebellious, she connects to that which is sought looking to defy what has been standard throughout her history. She is an open act of rebellion, the first encounter of many to dkmu, and wholly similar to the first step I think many of us took first on our magical path.

Doombringer is the initiation. He is the door which is sought, and the death of what came before. Knowingly and calmly he strips away the tether to the life which came before. He is the path once it is found, and the action taken to begin it. He is also a point of no return, and thus is the first steps one takes upon the 156/663 current proper.

Ino, the inspiration which is given to those who look with wonder upon a new world, or upon an old world with new eyes. She is the songs which are sung and poems written trying to capture something which cannot be caged, and therefore finding freedom in the attempt.

And Etc. Trigag, the dark night of the soul; Zalty, the alchemical gold. These are all stages which are inherent to every walker on these paths, and they come in just such an order, and never end. I find it brilliant that they are given consciousness here, and intensely useful. This is truly a means to initiate the world, as ringtail mentioned, if only they transitioned naturally and smoother. If only the purpose were a bit more clear in their programming.

This is the sum total of everything I've said here. I don't know if I miscommunicated, or if I'm misinterpretting, but I've gotta go to sleep now. <3 thanks for the discourse again!
I appreciate the debate, you've given me a few things to think about, and as this working would effect the group as a whole every voice matters. You raise valid questions and concerns, and are the only one who has done so currently.

So thank you!
Traditionally, part of the point of most paths of initiation that I've looked into is to accelerate a process which would occur naturally over many lifetimes. There are also fairly well documented stages of progress which an initiate would follow which mirrors the natural course of progress through the mysteries. In fact, these stages are fairly consistent in terms of the order they take, though the stages manifest differently for each individual. The DKMU egregores mimic this same progression. Yes, occasionally you'll have someone jump the gun and start somewhere else. Invariably, however, the more foundational stages must be returned to, and the progress gained farther along the path repeated with the newer understandings so that they can actually be integrated into the consciousness. Until that progression takes place, understandings gained further down the line are incomplete and spotty. I hear what you're saying, but as a mage, part of what you must do IS progress from one stage to another. Visibility is somewhat irrelevant, as these paths are intensely personal.

The path to change the world begins with the individual. If the individual has not progressed beyond the current state of the world how can that person hope to progress anything beyond themselves? This is an attempt to create a seamless progression, an accelerated path utilizing these conscious stages as such. The lack of cohesion in both the egregores and the group as a whole is actually harmful to even the activism inherent in dkmu's stated goals. This is still an occult group, and as such requires progression on an internal level. I wish to see this become inherent in working with these entities, and they have a lot more potential to inspire this form of growth than is currently being utilized.

I've only been here for about 2 years myself, and in that time I've just been watching, and I've done a pretty decent amount of work with the "godforms", integrating them into my practice in just such a way, however, they seem to resist this rather than attempt to help. They have a lot of the same failings I notice with most group egregores, in that they crave attention. For instance, in my experience, Ellis cares about Ellis and advancing the "Cult of Ellis" so that she may become more and more "Real". I see these entities as a family with a lot of potential for the advancement of any and every individual who touches them.

The goal is not to force a singular form of progress either, but to get both the godforms and dkmu to begin acting more as a group composed of individuals rather than a bunch of individuals who are only marginally connected by a title.

If you're interested in the original chelseanacht working, I honestly can't remember exactly where I read about the specifics, but it's all in the literature of the group... I dunno, occultus conturbo maybe? I can't really remember. It's all stellar work and I'd highly recommend it.
Ringtail: that's the intention. What I notice currently in this is that it tends to be viewed as a pantheon and treated as such. I see many of those whose practices include the godforms (I honestly see them as really big egregores, which differs greatly in my mind from Deities) kinda exploring a few tentatively, then picking one and becoming something akin to a devotee of that entity. This, while obviously useful in some way to those who choose to do so, is counterproductive to what I see as the potential of this collection of entities. I see them as a series of stages on the path of initiation, and they are meant, I think, to be progressed through. I tend to imagine that in a perfect world they would naturally propel the individual who works with them from one to the next organically, kinda making a sort of handshake/baton pass to the next step. This is then intention I hold with the ritual. For those who become familiar with Ellis, she will eventually pass the baton to Doombringer, who then inspires a new series of ideas, realizations, and breakthroughs. Doombringer will work with the aspiring mage for as long as necessary and pass the baton onto Ino, etc.

I just currently see the progression as clunky and non-organic, hence Conjunctio and the idea to streamline the process a bit by joining the godforms into a whole to operate cooperatively, rather than the set of fairly independent and disjointed entities I see and experience now. I'm not trying to solidify these beings into a stagnant pantheon, just the opposite: the current intention is to help the DKMU godform progression to be something which emerges of its own accord in those who work the path rather than the current need to facilitate some quick "marathon". For instance, the marathon occuring currently has each entity being worked with for a week. This is great to use for some specific goal, but again misses the point methinks. If this is to be a representation of the path of the Initiate, then the stages will occur of their own accord, some may last years, some months, and everyone will be different.

Another intention of this ritual is to affect the group as a whole through the usage of the godforms. We all have our own practices and methods, shit we're doing and shit we're working on. This is still a group at the end of the day however. Mutual goals and cohesion is a part of any group, and the current fairly significant lack of cohesion and mutual progression has been a greatly troublesome thing to me. This ritual, through its use of conjunctio to unify the godforms into a coherent group is also aimed at DKMU as a whole on this plane toward a similar purpose. Progress and cohesion. Joining as necessary to accomplish mutual aims, both as nodes within dkmu and dkmu as a whole.

I certainly don't want to say one way of utilizing the DKMU godforms is WRONG, simply that there is a potential to affect and evolve the egregores and group as a whole. I see this sort of action as the spirit of Chelseanacht, and along a similar vein to the original Chelsea working. We cannot only focus upon that which is outside, but also perform actions and works which affect ourselves and our dkmu as a whole. Quite a few people put a lot of tangible work into the maintenance of this group. The least we can do to thank those who have made it possible for us to be having this conversation is to continue the legacy and grow from what has come before. Beauty/Variety/Conflict is important for many reasons. My operating usage currently is thus: Beauty is a method of attraction and fascination, Variety is a method of staying power and health, Conflict is a method to inspire growth and evolution.

I hope that clears a few things up instead of obfuscating the ideas involved, as I tend to write this shit when I get off work and am not on top of my game mentally.
Luna, it certainly would, but I don't have all the information necessary to make that call yet. I forsee it being around 1-2 AM on the 17th, so that's the current working goal if that helps. the date is still like 4 months away though, so a lot can change during that time.
I haven't figured it out yet, but groups of invocatours doesn't sound like something which is out of the realm of possibility. I'm hoping for more than seven personally. Alternately, perhaps there will be those representing primal forces in the joining ritual. there are a lot of possibilities on that end, and I won't know more until I get a better idea of how many are coming.
So, since it was getting closer to the date of the gathering, I've begun talking to a few people here and there brainstorming the focal point of the ritual we would be doing this Chelseanacht in New Orleans. This is the sum total of mine and others brainstorming. A few of you I may have discussed this with in part, but this is a combination of multiple conversations. A big shout out to axaeon for pulling a lot of shit together into a more polished result.
First of all, Chelseanacht celebrates the anniversary of the Chelsea Working, wherein the Domus Khaotica was created and signaled the evolution of Marauder Underground into DKMU. The Chelseanacht working, as I understand it, changed everything about how the group operated and related to itself, and eventually the echoes of which spawned the series of Egregores/Godforms we know today, which seems to be a core of dkmu as it stands today. The Chelsea Working created indirect effects upon the outside world, but primarily evolved the group itself. I propose something along the vein of this.

DKMU today, regardless of your thoughts on the matter, has a strong focus upon the DKMU Godforms and the attempted systems which emerge in an attempt to wrestle the unwieldy entities into a coherent cosmology. The entities DKMU deals with are not a pantheon, they are a series of entities created (Or discovered) with an attempt to propel the individual who works with them upon the Path of the Initiate (the Path of Initiation, or whatever other series of words you want to go with). While they fit into this framework just fine if utilized as such, they are, first and foremost, their own entities. Aside from the marathons, I notice a vast majority of the people who work with the godforms ending up picking one they like and working exclusively with that entity for most intents and purposes. This is fairly similar to the devotional practices of many pantheons of deities. It is, however, counterproductive if we view the godforms as more of a vehicle of progression, which is a role I think they are better suited to.

It is for this reason and a few others that I think we as a group could use some Cogito Ergo Sum action, and what better vehicle to effect the operations and workings of the group as a whole than to effect the godforms themselves which attract and hold so many members, and operates as a majority of the thread which binds us together. We could use cohesion and progression, and the godforms themselves reflect this.

I think that Conjunctio emerged for this very purpose, and it is Conjunctio which serves as the focal point of the proposed ritual to take the raw materials we have today and create from them a cohesive unit which will truly be the engine of progress so many have seen the potential for and worked to pave the way for (Looking at you Alysy <3).

The ritual calls for no less than 7 participants as myself and axaeon have envisioned it. This is far from a finished result, and is more of a skeleton currently.

7 altars placed separately in the same area (The current area of operation is slaked to be what is colloquially known as the "End of the World" which is a peninsula where the Mississippi River meets the canal atop the levee and is relatively secluded.) representative of Ellis, Doombringer, Ino, Trigag, Zalty, Red King, and White Queen are arranged in a septagram around a central conjunctio glyph with some sort of fire or cauldron in the center. Each altar is arranged appropriately with candles and accoutrement associated to each entity respectively, and each participant is dressed in ritual attire representative of the entity they are working with. Each participant then invokes the godform at their given altar separately. Just as all of the godforms are their own self and all of us come to dkmu in varying methods and manners. When the invocation is complete, each will come to the center and share the fire of their ritual candle with the central fire/candles/cauldron. A ritual of joining and communion will then be performed within the large central seal utilizing the joining nature of Conjunctio to truly join the Godforms as one whole to operate together and assist those who would progress along the path of initiation along the way. Those who could not make it can assist through the web by invoking one of the godforms at their personal altars and connecting themselves through Conjunctio. Upon the conclusion of this ritual, the central glyph will become a "Meeting of the Gods" if you will. As we've just invoked and been operating as our respective godform, we will likely still be at least partly playing that role, but the hang-out will be essential.

We're a fucking group, a group of cats perhaps, but a group. We are a coalition, a unit, and cohesion is part of this. We are here for many reasons, but progression upon our magical path as individuals and as a whole is extremely important. We need you, all of you. You're all part of the whole.

That said, I need more people for this, we have 3-4 people coming as it stands, so RSVP so I can figure out who's here, what's getting done by whom, and how. I want your ideas on this ritual, I want your debate and contest, your agreement and additions oh ye children of the House of Khaos, oh ye who are the Marauder Underground. Furthermore, I want your RSVP. This is the thread for both/all of those things, so STAND UP AND MAKE YOURSELVES KNOWN.

The Assault on Reality / Black Flags and Falling Skies
February 01, 2015, 09:10:41 PM
We fly the black flag over the waves of reality.
We have declared war upon God and Man.
The din of this war follows in our wake,
The sound of walls crashing
and houses burning.

We march to that silence which is death.

We dance on a razor, riding the edge,
Full sail in unknown waters.
The edges of the map are ill-defined,
And we're not the sort to draw them.

There is no logic where I am.
There is no god where I stand.

Welcome to Earth, beautiful child:
Make it tremble.

We are the House of Khaos,
The silent and the loud.
We protest impossibility by force of will and action.
This is a reminder,
And a call to arms.
The Assault on Reality lives in you.
This is what you were born to do.
Announcements / Re: DKMU biznez- Everybody Read This.
January 29, 2015, 09:16:35 PM
Frater Theobald did a good job summing up a lot of what I've had to say on the matter. Aside from that, any points I would have, I've expressed multiple times already. Facebook is an annoyance. What do I need from DKMU? about the only thing I'd like to see encouraged is more of a focus on groups of people doing shitz, but that's not dkmu's job, it's the job of every person in here. Have a cool idea? Share it. Perhaps there will be others who share your vision, want to work on it with you, or can get inspired by your work.

I'm a bit guilty in that last one. I share some things, but I've always been a very solitary practitioner, so most stuff I do, I see as personal. Therefore, sharing it seems... relatively verboten. But it's not, and that's something I can work on. If I can get out of my "This shit's secret, shhh!" dumbassery, then fuck if others can't.
The Assault on Reality / Re: Maintaining a Presence
January 24, 2015, 04:06:27 PM
That's a page, but it's good you're here :D
At least a beginning.

Either way, this is one of the primary reasons I'm doing what I'm doing at the moment. I see the veil as an external... let's call it a fortification. A wall between this world and the next. To rend the veil would be joining the otherworlds with this one. The Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Demons, Devils, Fae, etc. would be here because their world would BE our world if completely successful. Even partial success results in making it that much easier for such entities to walk between worlds at will.
Announcements / Re: CHELSEANACHT 2015 (Everything Thread).
September 30, 2014, 05:03:23 PM
Well, Jackson Square is gated and locked much of the time we would be doing our work. Axaeon, Aletheia and I did our work throughout the French Quarter last we did something big. We were thinking we could probably do something close to or in the End of the World.

What DO we want to do? What's our main goal right now?

My own personal projects are starting to move towards the direction of releasing the Watchers and various other "Bound" entities from their bondage. Also, been working on fucking with YHVH's grasp on minds in a more general sense, so that's where I'm at in the moment.

Time to brainstorm I guess.
The Assault on Reality / Re: Assault Stage Two?
September 24, 2014, 06:00:47 PM
I'm not discussing that here at the moment. Find me on IRC if you want more info. It's more dynamic there anyway. Good to talk such things over.