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Member Introductions / Re: Hello!
Last post by FISHSTICKS - March 22, 2022, 08:33:59 AM
Member Introductions / Re: The continued expedition t...
Last post by Moon1ight - March 22, 2022, 01:43:25 AM
Quote from: AveMayhaps on March 17, 2022, 05:44:29 PM
I wish to bring magic and illusion to the decidedly disillusioned,
Now that's something I really like hearing :)
I'm probably the only active member on the forum. However, I've notified the Discord staff that there are folks waiting for an invite here, so hopefully either I or someone else will get back to you soon.

Or have you already received the invite?
Member Introductions / Re: Hello!
Last post by Moon1ight - March 22, 2022, 01:32:36 AM
"Curiouser & curiouser!" indeed!

Welcome to the Sleepy Forums – I'm quite partial to them myself and there is a lot of good material here to read.

If you want to talk to anyone but me though, it is probably best to join either the Discord or the Facebook group. The latter you can just apply for on FB itself, whereas for the former you need an invite. If you express this desire here, either a Discord staff member will see it and send you one, or I will tell them :)

The true "Beginner's Guide" to the DKMU is this:
For another new member, I had compiled some other introductory material here:
The link to my own Occultcorpus-text is down, but if you want to read me (for some reason), you can read this:

Member Introductions / Hello!
Last post by Wyrd Brother - March 17, 2022, 07:59:10 PM
I go by Null, calling me ∅ works just as well. While there doesn't appear to be much activity here (sad, I've always been partial to forums to tell the truth), I have decided to join here anyway. I've been lead by some interesting synchronicities from the moment I went off to learn about DKMU last night on a whim for no discernable reason. I had known only the name but not much more beyond that but it sort of started randomly gnawing at me a bit to do so.

I'm extremely curious about everything to do with DKMU. I feel a sort of connection to the information I have read so far and I want to go even deeper down the rabbit hole.
Member Introductions / The continued expedition towar...
Last post by AveMayhaps - March 17, 2022, 05:44:29 PM
Hello! I have previously inquired on admittance/appeal-to-admittance to the DKMU discord servers. Realizing now, My original post did not present the image of the well spoken, intelligent, and experienced khaot that may be ideal for such a group at the present time, and I have decided to reintroduce myself. If you would please erase my misspelled and blindly optimistic original introduction from your memory, it would be greatly appreciated.

To begin, I wish to express the magnetic draw I have experienced over recent months to this organization. As many others I am sure, I was lead to the DKMU through a string of coincidence. This string, as I have come to realize, was merely a strand in the web, and I, a fly. Working with and through the resources provided by the DKMU, I have and will continue to explore the world forged by landlines and routers - Connections and Nodes.

I would be for much time left disappointed if I did not make this second attempt (now well written and proofread) to connect to the active community of the DKMU. I wish to participate and shape this community in anyway possible, I wish to ask questions and learn from pioneers and trailblazers of the web, I wish to change the world I live in, I wish to bring magic and illusion to the decidedly disillusioned, I wish to roll in the sticky silk spun by Ellis. I ask that I only be heard. May the gods of fortune cast their die in my favour, and may the grand council of DKMU discord approval smiley warmly upon me.

I thank you for the time you have taken to hear me to those who have, and as well to those who will never.


Member Introductions / Hello!!! :)
Last post by AveMayhaps - March 07, 2022, 10:00:11 AM
Hey all! been working with ellis very deeply that past few weeks and was looking to get an invited to the discord! If anyone can help me out it'd be much appreciated!! thanks friends!
Member Introductions / Re: Sup
Last post by Moon1ight - March 07, 2022, 01:25:58 AM
Hi there and welcome.

Did Fishsticks send you an invite? I'm not sure if she reads the forum regularly. If not, tell me and I'll mention it to her in Discord.
Member Introductions / Sup
Last post by 23nyarlathotep23 - March 05, 2022, 08:07:10 PM
How's it going? Old Zee here, coming back to chaos magic after a while. Digging this DKMU stuff, all of this developed since I left. Interested in collaborating. Specialties/fascinations include Hellenistic period hermeticism and the old pop culture magick shite, recently was making tarot cards for Gaiman's Endless.

Interested in the Discord when it opens up again.
The Assault on Reality / Marauder Cell Recruitment
Last post by Maelhavok - February 17, 2022, 02:15:04 PM
I am looking for Marauders in the lower Southern United States. Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi , and Louisiana. I want to build a Marauder network over the five states for AoR purposes. I have extensive experience on both occult and professional life, and can provide bona fides on request. My areas of knowledge are Southern hoodoo traditions, Norse and Greek neo-paganism, Greco-Roman necromancy, and the Goetia. I have roughly twenty-nine years experience studying and practicing Chaos Magick as an adult, and about the same amount of professional experience working in a handful of fields. If this reads like a resumè, it sort of is. I am very serious about this network and it's overall goals detailed below:

Mission Statement : Defeat the Monoculture by increasing diversity and non-conformity.

Goals :

1. Become more distinct and developed individuals that contribute uniqueness to our society.

2. Create Art that inspires others to become more unique individuals themselves.

3. Stand against the Monoculture in all of it's forms wherever it rears it's many heads.

4. Form strong personal bonds with our packs and tribes and each other.

5. Bring a sense of magic and mystery back to our society that draws on both our traditions and our personal views.

If this sounds like it may be in your interests, let me know.
Member Introductions / Hello Everyone | Intro
Last post by VoidicSorcerer - February 05, 2022, 03:08:00 PM
Hello everyone, I am VoidicSorcerer, but I also have been known by many other tags, for Discord I am DarkSun.

I had heard about this group after talking with a former member about their experiments and experiences here in the years past.  I have been researching occult practices and systems of personal power for almost a decade now.  My main focus is the more non-denominational and scientific understanding about what magick is, what are its limits, and what are the most direct and actionable events that can occur for practitioners.

I would be interested in joining the Discord group as well, as I am most active on that platform.  I look forward to reading this group's work and research results, as well as personally getting acquainted with members both current and old.