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Started by Will, November 28, 2014, 08:27:04 PM

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Hello, I'm new to the DKMU community.

A couple weeks back I had a life changing experience and have decided to start traveling. A friend of mine recommended I study your godforms along the way and drew a bunch of sigils in my Book. I haven't blatantly attempted work with Ellis or any other godforms yet but after reading through the Godforms Sigillum and going to work at the co-op, a female matching Ellis's description came in and I skinned my right index finger, at the base. It was quite the enlightening experience.

Anyways, I'm on the road now. I left Milwaukee and headed north to Wausau. I've been taken under the wing of a man that goes by the name Agni. Our only sure destinations at the moment are Colorado and then the east coast, probably Northern California. I'll be updating this with my location with as I travel, if you're interested in meeting and exchanging knowledge, or working together, or just giving me tips, please respond. I'll probably end up looking at the Facebook group more than this because staying connected to Facebook is far easier than using a forum for me, but I'll try and pay attention to this as well.



Lemme know when you make it to Colorado. There's already a bunch of us here.


Definitely. Thank you.


Give a heads up if you do get a pass through northern california!


Let me know too when you come through Colorado. I'd like to pick your brain apart. I'd also like to hear about your travels.

You have no idea how many Jesuses I are.


Throw me a message if you pass through Minnesota!