Magical Target Practice (List of Intents to practice with)

Started by Moon1ight, August 11, 2016, 03:16:07 PM

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[Edit: The list is in the next post]

Hi folks  :)

I asked a question on FB and also want to ask it here:

Recently I've read an old Arjil-Post where he says that with his own system, he casts 20 spells each day. I think the text is really worth reading:

I want to try something similar. Now the question: What are some "targets" or intents that one can use to do many spells? I could think of "I meet a woman with blue hair today" and such ideas (carrying a red bag and a tiny dog etc.). But surely there must be other things.

So, please share your ideas for intents  for magickal target practice. Of course, I'd also love to hear which methods you use to turn intents into spells and thus into reality.

If you want, you can also answer at FB:

I'll put all answers from there in this thread, so that they don't get lost. I really am interested in the question of how to get more practice with practical magick ;)

Bonus Content :D :

On a recent walk through the forest, I saw this skull and had to leave a message.

"The Assault on Reality lives in you.
This is what you were born to do." -Ahavah Ain Soph

"As far as what I think the DKMU is? It's a promise to never stop fighting against mundanity, to always be injecting the weird into the world" - Timothy Buell

"Put in the work! :)" - Geri


"Finalised" Target List
(to make it more readable and printable ;) )

Here's what you folks have come up with so far. See the link above to know who wrote what. I didn't post their names here, because I'm not sure if everyone is okay with that.

Edit: I have included Ringtails post below and tried to sort it into similar ideas as well as shorten it. I have also tried to sort them, but this is of course rather subjective. To the front I've put those which I find the most practical (applicable in everyday life) and most "resulty" (less likely that it happened just by chance). I hope nothing got lost in all my copy-pasting...

- find or get coin, bill, lost object, rare pokemon, anything
- ideal traffic, get a good parking spot, hit all green traffic lights
- meet a particular friend, or a person with specific, unusual characteristics ("with red bag and tiny dog" etc.)
- influence or predict events in a card game, video game, board game, lottery - dice rolls, coin flips, card draws, scratch offs...
- make the yappy dog quit, make a bird land next to you, make that cat approach you
- make stuff (computers, cell signal, lights) work, or not
- make that guy forget what he's talking about (Hey, this seems like a nice harmless way to practice cursing!  ;) )
- get a person to contact you, make someone dream about something specific and tell you about it
- influence or predict the weather, the wind
- heal physical problems - minor things like joint aches, obviously don't stop taking your chemo

- Help a friend get what they want
- any little thing you do during your day, throw some quick magick it's way to help it go your way
- make yourself more or less noticeable in a crowd, move through this crowd without difficulty
- make person x wear this kind of clothing on that day
- easy day at work
- Fotamecus time-bending
- fuck up that guys pool shot
- Hear a particular song, have someone quote a song or movie near you
- have someone post something specific on forums or facebook
- augment physical prowess, make walking easier
- try to guess who's ringing the doorbell or phone before answering
- Divine the outcome of sports
- make yourself fall asleep quickly when you usually take long
- make yourself focus on a task for a longer time than you are normally able to.
- Pranks
- see something magickal, Make enough weird magickal shit happen that other people notice
- Influence local politics, Hex public enemies
"The Assault on Reality lives in you.
This is what you were born to do." -Ahavah Ain Soph

"As far as what I think the DKMU is? It's a promise to never stop fighting against mundanity, to always be injecting the weird into the world" - Timothy Buell

"Put in the work! :)" - Geri


These are good :) Here's some from my list.

Be approached by a certain animal
Have someone give me a cupcake
Find lost object
Hear a particular song
Get a person to contact me
Have someone quote a song or movie near me
Have someone post something specific on forums or facebook
Make technology (computers, cell signal, lights) work or not work
Influence another person's dream and get them to tell you about it
Make person x wear this kind of clothing on that day
Make enough weird magickal shit happen that other people notice
Help a friend get what they want
Heal physical problems - minor things like joint aches, obviously don't stop taking your chemo
Influence local politics
Hex public enemies
Divine the outcome of sports
Try to guess who's ringing the doorbell or phone before answering
Influence or predict weather
Influence or predict events in a card game, video game, board game

You have no idea how many Jesuses I are.


Thanks  a lot! This is exactly what I was looking for  :)

And then some say that the DKMU was lazy... Ha!  8)
"The Assault on Reality lives in you.
This is what you were born to do." -Ahavah Ain Soph

"As far as what I think the DKMU is? It's a promise to never stop fighting against mundanity, to always be injecting the weird into the world" - Timothy Buell

"Put in the work! :)" - Geri


They say that because we really do something, and then when there's a lull they notice the difference.

You have no idea how many Jesuses I are.


Just for the record. This thread on OC by Arjil is (in my view) quite relevant to the fast-fire Magick that we have discussed here:
"The Assault on Reality lives in you.
This is what you were born to do." -Ahavah Ain Soph

"As far as what I think the DKMU is? It's a promise to never stop fighting against mundanity, to always be injecting the weird into the world" - Timothy Buell

"Put in the work! :)" - Geri


I'm a bit of universe bewildered by the fact that a bit of universe can feel bewilderment at all.


Opening stoplights. - Gimme the Go by Doomtree
Summon Rain - a playlist of remixes of the song of storms, from the Legend of Zelda games
Increase traffic at (restaurant/store) - reiki symbol for adding energy.
Decrease excess traffic - reiki symbol for balancing energy.

Tools added, for emphasis. A Spotify account, gestures, and sigils can constitute a grimoire. We're fucking chaotes, afterall.


sorry I have nothing quite to add as far as actual intents go. But, this is a thread of the same name and is one of my favorites.